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Begonia from Tubers

Hello Guys,

Today I would like to talk about Begonia. This shade loving plant is very nice addiction to your garden. You can buy little propagated plants or you can grow them from Tubers. I chose tubers just because once they gone end of the summer you can dig Tubers out and keep them dry and safe till next spring and plant them again. On my way from work I stopped in Cherry Lane Nurseries and found amazing offer. 50% off on all summer bulbs.

This is 3 Begonia Double mix original price was 2.49 per pack or 3 for 6 sterling with 50% off I only pay 3 sterling for 3 packs - bargain. These Begonias are double Flowered and start producing flowers from July until first frost. These flowers do well in partially shade or afternoon sun. They are also great for boxes, containers and hanging baskets. Once first frost arrives you can dig them out, clean them and store them in dry cool place till next spring.

Ok what do you need to plant begonias in pot:

1) Good quality multipurpose compost ideally with added John Innes to promote good grow but its not necessary any good compost is good or if you got your own its even better.

2) Good size pot fit all Tubers comfortably. I am trying to achieve rich looking pot full of flowers.

3) Next step is to fill planter all the way to the second rim. Because Begonia grow up to 15 cm high I am trying to achieve good size plants hanging over the planter but not touching ground protect them from slugs and other insect.

4) Then you need your tubers. As I said before I got my Tubers from Cherry Lane Nurseries but you can get them from Ebay, Amazon, B&Q, local nurseries. There is so many varieties and colors that everyone will find favorite one.

5) Once you get your Tubers out from packaging have proper look. They are 2 sides. As picture show above this is bottom side and you stick this side to compost.

6) This is top side, as you can see there are shoots all ready starting coming out. This side needs to be on top. If you plant them other way round you just killed your begonia because Tuber will get soggy and eventually die.

7) Spread your Tubers evenly around the pot. Do not buried them, just lightly push them in to the soil and remember - hairy bit bottom, hollow bit up. What you need to do next is just lightly sprinkle soil around the tubers make sure that 3/4 of tuber is covered but not buried completely.

8) That's how planter should look after watering. Tubers almost covered but you can still see them thru soil. Keep soil moist but not soaking wet and just wait for shoots coming out. Shoots should be out within couple of weeks. Ok guys 8 easy steps how to plant begonias and see how successful I am going to be. You may ask how much I spend.... let me tell you..


Multi-Purpose Compost 1.39 sterling

Begonia Tubers 3 sterling (2.49 each or 3 for 6 + 50% discount)

38 cm planter 1.99 sterling

TOTAL : 6.38 sterling

Not bad for 9 tubers mixed begonias. Ok guys let me know about your begonia success, your tips and tricks. Just click HOME on top of my blog page and you can contact me thru there of find me on YouTube just search Jaroslav Zejman and my channel should pop up. Take care and happy gardening.



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